Inam is a distributor of leading brands. We guarantee best availability of all products at attractive prices.
The technical and commercial experience of our staff provides a fast and competent service concerning quotations, deliveries and after-sales.
Product for photovoltaic solar energy
All brands of modules: REC, Yingli, Bosch…
Info: Modules
Imagen Inversores
We distribute inverters: Danfoss, Fronius, SMA …
Info: Inverters
Imagen Estructuras
Structures for all types of photovoltaic installations
Info: Structures
INAM Distributor of photovoltaic material
We are constantly optimizing our inventory and stock capacity to ensure availability for your PV projects.
Inam is an important distribution channel leading brands in the field of photovoltaic systems of any scale (from small residencial projects to large roof systems). As an official distributor of the inverter brands Fronius and Danfoss, and module manufacturers REC Solar and Yingli Green Energy, we take advantage of the synergies that can be achieved by combining the product range of different manufacturers in order to prepare for each type of system the optimal configuration. Competent technicians volunteer their overall experience.
An extensive rack system, based on aluminum profiles, adapts to any installation situation, building height, type of roof covering or module type (with or without a frame) in an optimized way.
. If it makes sense, the product range is complemented by otherbrands (eg off-grid-system technology, monitoring systems or weather sensors).
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